Olly Brett
Current Player:
Rose Zhang
Where did you grow up?
Leicester, England
Favorite Golf Course
Favorite course for the experience is the Old Course, St. Andrews.
Best I’ve played is Muirfield.
Best I've caddied at is Augusta.
Golfing and caddie background:
When I was 17 or 18, I started making the yardage books on the Men’s/Ladies European tours. Many times during the first 3 years I’d be asked to fill in for players on my weeks off. Not before too long a player on the Men’s European Tour asked me to start full time. I accepted, and the journey began.
What do you love about caddying?
The competition, and being in the hunt.
Interesting caddie story:
We had an event in Kazakhstan in the early days, and I booked a hotel online called the Pirate Ship after seeing photos of the room. It seemed pretty legit even thought there were no pictures of the outside. When I arrived it was an actual wooden pirate ship right in the middle of the city with no beach for thousands of miles.