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Jared Sipes
Current Player:
Jessica Porvasnik
Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Shreveport, Louisiana.
Favorite Golf Course
My top 3 favorite golf courses are Augusta National Golf Club, Castle Pines Golf Club and Monterey Peninsula Country Club.
Golfing and caddie background:
I’ve always had a passion for golf and love for the game. I started looping at Castle Pines Golf Club in the summers and I spend my winters looping at Augusta National Golf club.
What do you love about caddying?
The main thing I enjoy about looping is traveling the world and everyday is a different day. The people you meet and the experiences we have are unbelievable.
Interesting caddie story:
I’d have to say one of my funniest moments was at Castle Pines Member- Member I gave a read to Peyton Manning on the 17th hole par 5 for eagle and he chest bumped me and knocked me straight on my back when the putt went in.
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